18 year Boy girl men women Cricket kit price Canada 

Parents are searching for a cricket kit for 18 year old boy/girl. This blog post will help you to find the place where you can buy quality and cheap cricket kit for girls, boys of any age category. The place also contains mens and women’s cricket kits at affordable prices. Apart from these places you can also buy the kit online. 

Cricket kit prices in Canada and European countries are much higher compared to Asian countries. The price difference between Canada and India is given here to give you an idea while purchasing it from the shops.

18 year Boy girl men women Cricket kit price Canada 

  • 16 to 18 year old boys cricket kit price – $450 to $600.
  • 16 to 18 year old girls cricket kit price – $450 to $600.
  • Mens cricket kit price – $515 to $700.
  • Womens cricket kit price – $500 to $700.
Cricket kit price CanadaCricket kit price India
Helmet – $80. 
Elbow guard – $10
Batting gloves pair – $65.
Batting inners – $5.
Chest guard – $10.
Dual thigh guard – $45.
El guard – $7.
1 set batting pads – $55.
Wicket keeping pads – $60.
Wicket keeping gloves with inner – $75.
Knee guard – $8.
Kit bag – $35.
Leather ball – $5.
Leather bat – $55.
Total = 515 CAD.
Helmet – Rs 1000. 
Elbow guard Rs – 185.
Batting gloves pair – Rs 750.
Batting inners – Rs 160.
Chest guard – Rs 350.
Dual thigh guard – Rs 375.
El guard – Rs 280.
1 set batting pads – Rs 1600.
Wicket keeping pads – Rs 1500.
Wicket keeping gloves with inner – Rs 800.
Knee guard – Rs 150.
Kit bag – Rs 1100.
Leather bat – Rs 2500.
Leather ball – Rs 225.
Total = Rs 10,975.
Cricket kit price in Canada and India is given in the table.

Read this in case you missed itHow to play cricket for Canada

Cricket kit parts name and reason to use

  • Helmet – To protect head from ball hitting injury.
  • Elbow guard – To protect the elbow of the batsman.
  • Batting gloves – To protect the fingers, thumb, knuckles and palm of the batsman.
  • Chest guard – To protect  the upper body portion.
  • Thigh guard – To protect the thigh of the player.
  • El guard – To protect batsman.
  • Batting pads – To protect the knee and leg of the batsman.
Cricket kit for 18 year old batsmanWoman cricket kitCricket kit for wicket keeper batsman
Elbow guard.
Batting gloves
Batting inners.
Chest guard.
Thigh guard.
El guard. 
Batting pads.
Knee guard.
Elbow guard.
Batting gloves
Batting inners.
Chest guard.
Thigh guard.
Inner thigh guard.
El guard. 
Batting pads.
Knee guard.
Elbow guard.
Batting gloves.
Batting inners.
Wicket keeping gloves.
Chest guard.
Thigh guard.
El guard. 
Batting pads.
Wicket keeping pads.
Knee guard.
Cricket kit parts for 18 year boy, woman and wicket keeper batsman is given in the table.

Note – Wicket keeping pads, shoes and extra elbow guards  are not included in the kit you have to ask the shopkeeper to include them as well as per the requirement.


What things are there in the cricket kit?

Complete cricket kit set is given below.
Leather bat.
Leather ball.
Right elbow guard.
Left elbow guard.
Batting gloves
Batting inners.
Chest guard.
Thigh guard.
El guard. 
Batting pads.
Knee guard.
Wicket keeping pads.
Cricket kit bag.

How to apply for a cricket kit in Canada?

You can simply visit the sports Store and book your order at the shop. If you want a complete cricket kit at a reasonable price you can simply email us.

Should I write an application for cricket kit?

No, just email us application is not required just email the list mentioning whether you want female cricket kit or male. Also mention the age group of the candidate.

What is the price of a women ‘s cricket kit in Canada?

Women cricket price Canada – $500.

What is the cricket kit price for 18 year boy in Canada?


What is the men’s cricket kit price in Canada?

515 CAD.

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How to play uppercut shot in cricket right technique

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