How to start a Sports Company targeting schools

To start a Sports Company you need these things in priority: sports company licence, office, dedicated team, employees, props, sports store, website and aim. This blog post covers all the necessary assets required to set up a Sports Company.

How to start a Sports Company targeting schools

Starting a Sports Company take a pen paper and close your eyes for 30 seconds and think if you would be an organisation then what services you would demand from sports company.  Now open your eyes and note down all the necessary requirements.

Let’s discuss step by step. 

First decide your working model and to whom you are going to provide services. Targeting schools looks a big opportunity for starting a new sports company. You can provide sports teachers to various schools. 

Without any hesitation approach school owners and principals and try to identify what they need regarding sports activities in their schools. After getting the views of school principles and owners make a proper business plan on a paper and approach once again and try to convince them again, target other school as well.

Remember, while approaching schools your body language should be positive along with the need and clone formal clothes. Your nail and shoes must be clean. This is the basic rule of school taught to their students. 

Name your sports company

To work for the long run it is necessary to name your Sports Company. Brand name is required for licensing and registration process also. So, before starting the company, think about a suitable name according to your business model and apply it.

Apply for licence 

You should must apply for licence of the Sports Company. You can apply for licence from the local sports authority of your region. During your meeting with schools the school owners might ask you for the permission and licence. So it is good to be prepared earlier before any unwanted rejection. You can also approach your nearby chartered accountant to get the information about registration and licence process. 

Establish your office

It is good to have a sports company office on your brand name. The organization  to whom you are giving sports services proposal might ask you for the office or they may come to visit your office.  you can hire a small shop nearby market region, put a banner on it of a desired company name. List your office on Google Map so that any organization can view your destination from their offices.

Arrange props

Props can play an important role to impress the school principal. During the meeting you can elaborate about your props that along with the manpower services you are also giving these specific props to school free of cost. Explain them how your props can enhance the games and how they are helpful to motivate the kids for playing sessions. Some important props are: Cones, rings, hurdles, skipping ropes, footballs, basketballs, cricket bats, nets etc.

Along with outdoor games give a plan for indoor games such as chess, carom board etc as well.

Build a website 

In today’s digital world competition is increasing physically and digitally. People who adapt the digital opportunities earlier might win the race. After establishing your physical office you must go for a digital office meaning create a website. A good website can impress the school owners after all they belongs to Education Department. Email us via our contact us page if you want a professional level website for your school business model. 

Create a team

A team can always speed up the concern process. Building a team is a good choice to reduce your workload  and it will allow you to look after into the important assets which will increase the the quality of your work.  However,  if you are just beginning it is difficult for you to arrange the team because you have to pay them. You can also start a company without any team in the initial days but later if you want to spread the wings you must form a good team.

Hire employees

Hiring good suitable employees for your sports company is a time taking process therefore start taking interviews from the day one during or before company establishment. You must pick good candidates with skill and respective behavior in order to run your contract for the long term. Create policies for your employees and schools as well.

Explain what you are providing to schools 

You have to  elaborate to school that you are providing them best teachers with high responsible attitude.  you have to convince a school owner that you have made good enough policies for the teachers and their services that you are providing to school. These policies contains immediate termination of a sports teacher on any policy violation against school or sports company. 

Tell them that you have created a separate policy page  for the Teachers which also includes the leave rules. Convince the school that your teachers will be responsible for schools discipline and sports activities. Explain about the sports and games which your teachers will organise in the school. Offer extra game for students like lame leg game which has no cost for equipment.


  • Must have first aid kit during each and every match. 
  • Complete tournament preparation before 3 days.
  • Collect all the needed documents at correct time.
  • New entries will not be entertained after beginning the tournament.
  • Tournaments must go on with peace and prosperity. 

Teacher Backup Plan

Teacher backup plan is a new working modal for sports company. During the leave period you should provide a backup teacher to the school who will take all the concerned classes. Put offer in front of school like: If we provide two teachers and one is on leave for 2- 7 days then we will provide you with another teacher for 7 days.

Terms and conditions 

Your paper work must be strong enough so that nobody can take advantage of your sports company later or earlier. Terms and conditions are necessary to clarify the working model for any business. Add strong points to your terms and condition page like schools cannot hire the candidates directly for their school which you are providing them under your services.   There should be clear termination points mentioned on the page for the candidates whom you are hiring.

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