How to play under 19 cricket | Dady100

Do you know how to play under 19 cricket so that you can play in the under 19 cricket world cup or at least make your career in cricket. Answer is given here.

To play under 19 cricket you need to follow some important tournaments on different platforms. School cricket, College cricket, District cricket, State Cricket and Domestic cricket. Sponsorship is also available but offered by less companies so catch whenever you get an opportunity. There is no cricket rule for upper age limit so anyone can apply.

How to play under 19 cricket

To play under cricket you should participate in different platforms that are explained below. 

School cricket

School cricket is the first place where we all learn how to play cricket. One must participate in the school tournaments specially on those tournaments which gives opportunity to play with other states and cities. If you perform well in these tournaments you may get a fair chance to play district cricket.

College tournaments 

College tournaments are held throughout the year and you must participate in these tournaments. In college cricket you can get a chance to play with other states. When you perform with other states the zone cricket selectors may select you in zone cricket. College tournaments also provide chances to give railway cricket trials. 

District cricket

District Cricket trials occur every year and you should participate in it. By visiting the district cricket association’s office of your region you can get the information on how to play district cricket & become cricket player without academy. A good performing cricketer in district matches gets a chance playing in state cricket from where the player may get a fair opportunity to get selected in under 19 cricket. 

State Cricket 

A good state player is watched by selectors and they may give a big opportunity to the cricketer anytime. The performing cricketer in domestic cricket may be selected in the Indian under 19 cricket team.

Domestic Cricket

After playing state cricket you get a chance to play in domestic cricket. Ranji cricket is the most famous and important tournament in domestic cricket and it is a dream of every player. Ranji players’ salary pension schemes are also available; this is another reason it is popular among most cricketers. Most players are selected to play IPL, under 19 cricket and in Indian cricket from Ranji, Dilip and other domestic cricket trophies.

Local cricket tournaments

To enhance your cricketing skills, gain match temperament and maintain the temperament you should always play local cricket tournaments in your region. Sometimes you may get a big opportunity while playing in local tournaments at a good level. District state and Domestic Cricket selectors also keep an eye on reputed local tournaments so it’s good to play these tournaments and perform. 

Sponsorship cricket

Sponsorship cricket in India is becoming popular and spreading day by day. However, still these tournaments are not helding regularly and are insufficient. Some sports companies conduct sponsorship tournaments and select players for training. They may send the players outside the country or they may train them in India. 

These players get chances to play board games and big tournaments where selectors may notice them and give them chance to play Domestic Cricket or under 19 cricket or may select them directly in Indian cricket team extra squad, they may also get a chance in IPL team bench.

Daddy 100 Sports also sponsors cricketers from our academy. If your school is having our academy you may get a sponsorship chance. You can easily apply for daddy 100 sports cricket academy to get disciplined cricket training and create opportunities to make your career in cricket. 

Conclusion – Most youngsters want to know how to play under 19 cricket for India. Now they are well educated about it they know first they have to play district cricket then state cricket then domestic cricket to build their career in cricket. School cricket and college Cricket may also give them a chance to become a cricketer at various stages. 

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